Korea Tour 2023 with Project tHinG

Very excited to announce a new collaboration with two remarkable Korea Musicians:
Jongh-Wa PARK and Geomungo player: Yoon-Jeong HEO.

The trio brings together 3 very contrasting instruments from 3 different eras: the ancient Geomungo (a classical Korean, 6-string zither, from 6th century), the classical Piano (18th century), and contemporary Electronics (which Gabriel is performing). The new trio has been named: Project ‘tHinG’. (t.H.i.n.G stands for “the Harmony in Gaon” - Gaon signifies ’the centre’, or ‘the middle way’ in Korean. So the philosophy behind this project is find unity between these 3 very different instruments, and to show that despite their cultural, historic, and sonic differences they can work together beautifully, and create inspiring new music together. A good example of how music can be a positive metaphor for other aspects of life.

After rehearsing intensely for 4 days, performing new music Gabriel specially composed for the group, and special arrangements of existing pieces, they performed 3 concerts: 23 Aug: Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, 24 Aug: Daejeon International Music Festival, Daejeon, 25 Aug: Gwangju ACC World Music Festival, Gwangju.

2023Gabriel Prokofiev